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Our Club

Can I Become a Member ?

Of course you can !
First, a bit about our members. We range from very smart to not so smart. We range from very talented to not so talented. We range in age from teens to retirees and come with a multitude of employment backgrounds.

Some members have built very complex locos that run as fine as a sewing machine, and some have built a tram consisting of 4 wheels, an electric motor and a battery. Some members have not built anything, but have joined the club to gain the ability. It is a rewarding hobby and a place to contribute whatever skills you have to the community.

When do we meet ?
Wednesdays & Saturdays are work days when our more active members are at the track to keep everything in running condition, however those with outside commitments stop in less often. This is the best time to talk to members about joining the club, or gain the knowledge and experience to build or own a loco yourself.

On the second Wednesday of the month we have the Old Farts day (Order of Locomotive Drivers, Firemen And Retired Train Staff). We run our locos if we feel like it, or stand around and talk, mainly about trains, machining, or problems we are working on. 

Our Public Running Days are held on the 4th Sunday of the month.  Members that run locos on these days firstly gain in-house training and certification to haul passengers.

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